After eight years of ineffective leadership, can Senate Republicans not understand that their old ideas just don’t work for America?

It’s baffling that so many of our top elected officials in Washington just don’t get it! Our global economy is tanking, banks won’t lend money for fear of being undercapitalized against existing loans, home prices are contracting, foreclosures are at an all time high, and we lost 600,000 jobs in January. And the Senate Republicans “still” think they know what’s best for our economy.
Republicans in congress spent most of last week “trashing” President Obama’s economic stimulus bill, instead of making good faith efforts to cooperate and compromise en masse. Clearly some of their criticism was well founded, and it’s likely the compromise reached amongst a select few of the moderate Senate Republicans was warranted.
Unfortunately, though, the Republican strategy is that same thinking that led us into the mess we find ourselves in today. They still want tax breaks for wealthy Americans, still believing in trickle-down economics. They engage in fear-mongering, saying our economy will totally collapse if this bill passes. It’s time for the Republicans to get on board, because the train’s leaving the station without them.
It was high time that the President, Senate Majority Leader Reid (D-NV), and Speaker Pelosi (D-CA) succinctly pointed out that the Republicans “lost” the election. American voters went to the polls demanding change, and change is what they should see. Do Republican Senators really believe the voting public is unsophisticated and undereducated on the issues?
The arrogance of the Republican minority is palpable. They’re scratching and clawing to retain some level of leadership role, all the while doing nothing but holding back the man elected to lead us out of this mess. They’re screaming “fire” in the crowded theater, and bolting the doors at the front lobby.
If at no other time in our history, shouldn’t they make every effort to be a practical part of the “solution”? Isn’t it time for them to recognize the scope and immensity of this problem, and isn’t it time for all good Americans to come together for the common interest?
You may live in a red state, or maybe blue. Either way everyone should pay close attention to their elected officials right now, how they vote at this crucial time, what they say, and how they comport themselves.
This time like no other, we need our leaders to lead.
Julie Anne

It’s baffling that so many of our top elected officials in Washington just don’t get it! Our global economy is tanking, banks won’t lend money for fear of being undercapitalized against existing loans, home prices are contracting, foreclosures are at an all time high, and we lost 600,000 jobs in January. And the Senate Republicans “still” think they know what’s best for our economy.
Republicans in congress spent most of last week “trashing” President Obama’s economic stimulus bill, instead of making good faith efforts to cooperate and compromise en masse. Clearly some of their criticism was well founded, and it’s likely the compromise reached amongst a select few of the moderate Senate Republicans was warranted.
Unfortunately, though, the Republican strategy is that same thinking that led us into the mess we find ourselves in today. They still want tax breaks for wealthy Americans, still believing in trickle-down economics. They engage in fear-mongering, saying our economy will totally collapse if this bill passes. It’s time for the Republicans to get on board, because the train’s leaving the station without them.
It was high time that the President, Senate Majority Leader Reid (D-NV), and Speaker Pelosi (D-CA) succinctly pointed out that the Republicans “lost” the election. American voters went to the polls demanding change, and change is what they should see. Do Republican Senators really believe the voting public is unsophisticated and undereducated on the issues?
The arrogance of the Republican minority is palpable. They’re scratching and clawing to retain some level of leadership role, all the while doing nothing but holding back the man elected to lead us out of this mess. They’re screaming “fire” in the crowded theater, and bolting the doors at the front lobby.
If at no other time in our history, shouldn’t they make every effort to be a practical part of the “solution”? Isn’t it time for them to recognize the scope and immensity of this problem, and isn’t it time for all good Americans to come together for the common interest?
You may live in a red state, or maybe blue. Either way everyone should pay close attention to their elected officials right now, how they vote at this crucial time, what they say, and how they comport themselves.
This time like no other, we need our leaders to lead.
Julie Anne
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