Sunday, February 8, 2009

Why Should I Bail You Out?

So, it took 4, what 5 years, for the Ford light to come on? Oh my God, we can’t afford this house! Do you think, maybe, you thought your arrogance was going to somehow support your mortgage? You must, because that same arrogance is begging me to help you pay for it now! Keeping up with the “Joneses” isn’t so flattering after all, is it.

I/We are those same “blue collar” citizens that were so “beneath” you (not worried about the Joneses) that you are now begging to bail you out of your foreclosure. Just because we chose to forego that swimming pool or three extra bedrooms or “room with a view”, we are somehow indebted to you and your inability to do your math? Or arrogance to ignore it. I find it humorous, as I’m sure most tax paying, average income families who actually struggle to even pay those taxes, that we received the same basic mortgage contract that you did and yet somehow you were coerced into signing the only one that was deceptive. Actually, I find it offensive. However, I do begrudge the low life mortgage companies that slid the garbage into the contract as well. They, too, must live by the Joneses.

First, let me say, I feel great compassion and sympathy for those of you who were making an honest living, paying for your modest home, and legitimately lost your income. I do not hesitate a moment to ask for assistance from the government or those of us actually paying our taxes.
I am appalled by these people who blame everyone but themselves for the loss of their home that they couldn’t afford in the first place. Certainly, they must have been robbed on the subway recently of their arrogance and such. Nothing else can explain why they would “stoop so low” as to ask “us” for help! And if they can’t afford it now, what are they asking for? Shall we go ahead and just “give” it to them? Because that’s not fair to them! They didn’t get to read all of the rules! Where does this stop? Those that think they are so untouchable and above the rest of us are getting their just due. And those of us that actually “read the fine print” are having to rescue them again!

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